The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 387)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 387)
in the United States. In both cases, political vulnerability of the
minority group members of the labor force as well as the profit imperative
of the ruling class are the conditions underlying these dynamics of demand
for Israeli-Arab labor, as for American black labor.
If we consider the subethnic groups in the Israeli labor force, we
notice that in the post-1967 era differentiation in the occupation struc-
ture is the lowest between Israeli-born Sabras and European-American immi-
grants (Column D35), and the highest between Sabras and Israeli-Arabs
(Column D13); and it is of significance that these so-called indigenous
Israeli-Jews, who have co-existed with the indigenous Palestinian popula-
tion for the longest time, continue to be the least mixing with and the
most different from the Arab labor force as far as locations in the techni-
cal division of labor is concerned. This fact is likely to be the result
of labor-Zionist segregationist policy in Palestine since the Yishuv.
Despite the above, however, a prominent trend highlighted in Table N is
the tendency towards equalization in the post-1967 occupational structure
of Israeli-Arabs, compared with that of all other Jewish population groups.
In the case of Oriental-Jews, a counter-tendency prevails in their rela-
tion to Sabras and Western Jews; the differentiation or gap in the occupa-
tional distribution tends to get wider during that same period. To sum
up this observation is to point out an increasing integration of the Is-
raeli-Arab citizens into the Israeli-Jewish occupational structure of
employment. Perhaps it is happening at the expense of Oriental-Jews, or
as a result of the latter's tendency to heavily concentrate in the service
labor category, especially since the June War.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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