The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 392)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 392)
Palestinian national groups under such critical security conditions.
Political status relative to the State of Israel seems to be the
most crucial factor in determining the range of differentiation between
occupational as well as industrial structures of employment of Arab and
Jewish segments of Israel's labor force, the effect of which being even
greater in the case of occupational as compared with industrial distri-
butions. The latter is evident in the higher figures in Column D3-4 than
those in Column C. The citizenship of the State (regardless of its rank-
ing position as first, second, or third class) seems to make quite a dif-
ference regarding the location of Arabs in the technical division of labor.
This is illustrated in the fact that the index of differentiation in the
occupational structures of citizen versus non-citizen Palestinian-Arabs
(Column D2-3) does almost double that of differentiation in the occupa-
tional structures of citizen Palestinian-Arabs versus Israeli-Jews (Column
D2-4). It is also greater than differentiation in the case of all Pales-
tinian-Arabs versus all Israeli-Jews in general (Column D1-4).
In sum, greater occupational differentiation exists between citizen
versus non~citizen Palestinian-Arab workers in Israel than between citizen
Palestinian-Arabs and any Israeli-Jewish population group. The same role
is likely to be applicable in the industrial structure (although data were
not available to specify by Jewish ethnic group), with segregation being,
however, greater in the occupational, than in the industrial, structure.
The latter makes much sense in light of the fact that around 70 percent of
the non-citizen workers from occupied territories fall in unskilled labor
category in the very bottom of Israel's occupation structure, as we have
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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