The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 401)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 401)
- المحتوى
B. The Post-1967 Industrial Structure of Employment of the Gaza Strip
and the West Bank Palestinian Labor Force
In this analysis we have to deal not only with changes in industrial
structures of the labor force employed within the occupied territories,
but also of those in Israel. Not only that, a distinctively different
industrial structure of employment peculiar to Palestinian commuter work-
ers has emerged, but also further changes have disrupted the very employ-
ment structures of the portion of the labor force remaining in the West
Bank and Gaza. According to Table FB figures, which come from Israeli
sources, the distortions that have characterized the employment structures
of these two regions in the pre-1967 War period seem to be further rein-
forced in the first two years of Israel's military occupation; that is,
polarization has intensified, as evidenced in the disproportionate con-
centration of the labor force in agriculture, on the one hand, and in
trade, transportation, and service economic branches, on the other. Later,
in 1973, expansion seems to shift from the former branch into the latter;
this polarization seems to be accompanied by a decline in the relative
size of the local industrial and construction labor force of both regions;
and the emerging and expanding of a new economic branch, i.e., public
and community services, which already by 1973 had absorbed a very signi-
ficant portion of the labor force, more noticeably in the Gaza Strip.
In part, this reflects Israeli efforts to develop and foster a local
Palestinian authority or administration instrumental for social control, - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 60927 (1 views)