The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 404)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 404)
Three main groups seem to be affected most by the proletarianization
process resulting from this forceful integration of these territories into
the Israeli economy. These are first, the segments of the labor force
previously subjegated to marginalization by the Jordanian regime; this
category includes the camp refugees, specifically those near urban cen-
ters, the occasionally-employed landless peasantry and subemployed ser-
vice employees. These represent that segment of the Palestinians who
have been already, prior to occupation, dispossessed from their means of
subsistence due to Zionist practices in Palestine, and also to the con-
centration of the land-holding system for and/or as a result of the emer-
gence of agricultural plantations. The latter is especially true in the
Gaza Strip, where agriculture is more capital-intensive, which explains
further the relatively smaller size of the agricultural labor force com-
pared with that of the West Bank and the Palestinians in Israel.
Second, the small peasants, previously self-employed petit bour-
geoisie, existing more heavily in the West Bank, where a less concentra~
ted land tenure system used to prevail. The proletarianization of this
group is most likely to be the function of three interrelated processes
of Zionist penetration: (a) the penetration of Jewish settlers, meaning
the intensification of land expropriation by Israelis, and landlessness
of Palestinians; (b) the penetration of Israel agricultural investment
" for the "modernization"
capital (and "demonstration-station plantations
of the territories’ traditional agriculture), a prerequisite for which
is land concentration, resulting, again, in the disposition of the small
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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