The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 410)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 410)
- المحتوى
higher relative surplus value from the non-citizen labor force intensive-
ly employed in this branch in-between the two wars.
Indirectly, this decline in agricultural employment can be seen
also as a result of the ultimate shift from agriculture into industry, as
a leading export sector. Reference is to polished diamonds and high
technology products as the export-producing branches for the inter-
national market. This shift is evident in the different nature of agree-
ments signed, for example, with the European Common Market before and
after the 1973 October war,°? both leading inevitably into reducing the
potential employment-multiplier effect in agriculture.
Furthermore, the increase in the non-citizen Palestinian construc-
tion labor force in 1975, concomitant with that decline in agricultural
employment, must be interpreted merely as a redistributive adjustment.
This is to say, the increment one notices in the relative size of con-
struction non-citizen Palestinian labor force must not be explained in
terms of a new demand in the economy for non-citizen Palestinian labor
force; but rather in terms of mobility of an already mobilized labor
force from agriculture into construction. This conclusion is based on
two observations: first, of decline in the size of non-citizen Pales-
tinian labor force employed in Israel in that same period. Despite
that, the decline in the demand for labor from the territories in Israel
is linked more likely to the potential decline of the construction than
the agricultural branch. Second, of the correlation between Jewish immigra- - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 60925 (1 views)