The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 414)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 414)
- المحتوى
struction industry is to point out the following features:
(a) The non-citizen Palestinian labor force employed in Israel
tends to be disproportionately over-represented in the construction indus-
(b) This over-representation seems to increase constantly since the
1967 War and continues through the 1973 October War and its following eco-
nomic crisis, reaching the highest proportion (55 percent) by 1975.
(c) During the economic boom following the 1967 War, the size of the
construction labor force among all groups (Israeli-Jews, citizen Pales-
tinians, and non-citizen Palestinians) tends to increase both in absolute
and relative terms until 1973. During this period, thus, Jewish-Arab
labor mobility into construction represents a joining as opposed to re-
placement trend in an expanding economic branch. Whether or not this
cross-national merging of Israeli-Jewish and Palestinian-Arab construction
workers in the same industry implies also that they are joining the same
class locations depends on the social form of labor perfcrmed by each.
Put more concretely, it depends on the number of those from each
group who do the actual manual (skilled or unskilled) construction work
versus those who perform mental, supervisory, managerial functions (for
example, the foremen, civil engineers, etc.)
As indicated earlier, there is no doubt about the proletariat class
location of the non-citizen Palestinian workers employed in the productive
branches of Israel's economy. Furthermore, there is no doubt that most of
the supervisory, non-productive mental labor categories in the construction
industry are performed by Jews, not Arabs; in this branch. The latter is
evident in the higher average number of years of schooling of Jewish than - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 60925 (1 views)