The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 416)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 416)
average monthly wage of 1,295 IL., and only 10.9 related to public works
and civil engineering work, with an average monthly salary of 1,751 IL.
The latter represents the bulk of professional and technical labor cate-
gories in the construction industry, while the former represent the bulk
of actual workers. Of course, these figures under-represent reality be-
cause they exclude the self-employed in the construction industry.>-
Knowing earlier also that 60 percent of the construction wage-workers
per se are Arabs, it means there are around 52,000 Jewish construction
wage-workers, which is equivalent to the number of Palestinian-Arabs. In
other words, approximately 100,000 Palestinian-Arabs and Israeli-Jews in
the construction branch are likely to share proletarian class locations.
(d) During the post-1973 economic crisis and long-term military
mobilization, non-citizen Palestinians continue to move into, while citi-
zen-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs are increasingly moving out of, the con-
struction industry, except for 1975 when the percentage of all Palestinians
goes up, as is evident in Table F.
The predominant trend here represents both joining and replacing in
a stagnating, yet not declining, sector. Clearly, those moving in are,
indeed, moving into productive manual labor categories. It will help much
to know who is moving out, that is, what labor categories are being re-
placed by non-citizen Palestinians? Are they also productive manual labor
categories, or the mental supervisory ones? Moreover, what labor cate-
gories are they occupying in the other branches they are entering?
It makes much difference whether the replaced portion of the con-
struction labor force is moving into productive manual categories in in-
dustry versus moving into non-productive mental categories, say in public
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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