The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 418)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 418)
for example, the monthly salary per employee post reached up to 1,354 IL.,
compared with the general average wage in Israel (1,542 IL.). Further,
it is the highest among branches in which Arab labor is competitive; that
is, higher than that in agriculture (970 IL.), food processing (1,001 IL.),
textiles (1,149 IL.), and personal services (963 IL.).°” In this sense,
Arab labor is also likely to be more attracted to employment in this eco-
nomic branch when unable to move further upward.
Furthermore, the relatively higher wages in this branch results in-
directly in reinforcing the purchase power of this labor force, a pre-
requisite for the development of consumerism and the necessary expansion
of the Israeli local market into Arab frontiers.
Second, unlike construction industry in the United States, in which
the labor force are capable of organizing powerful trade unions, hence the
greater bargaining power in terms of economic demand and social benefits,
in Israel the contrary is true. Indicators of labor unrest even before
1973 during the very period of rapid economic growth show the construc-
tion labor force to be the most passive and disciplined. Probably the
structure of the construction industry, except for Solel Boheh (Histadrut-
owned company), fragmented into small projects, does not allow a sense of
unity among the workers.
Third, and more important, is the fact that this physically rough
and dangerous industry has the highest percentage of injuries. The em—
ployment of Palestinian-Arabs, especially non-citizens whose labor power
is imported from the occupied territories and the reproduction cost of
which falls outside Israel-proper, means tremendous savings in social
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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