The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 426)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 426)
Table K. Absolute Distribution of Israel Citizen-Arabs and Jews by Economic Branch.
Year Total Labor Agriculture Industry Electricity Construc— Transport and Public Personal Others
Force and Water tion Communication Services Services
Citizen Palestinian-Arabs
1955 43,400 21,200 5,800 200 5,500 1,500 4,000 1,100 4,100
1959 47,600 21,400 7,700 700 6, 300 1,900 4,400 1,700 3,500
1963 65,900 27,600 10,200 500 13,971 2,900 5,400 1,900 3,600
1967 60,600 25,000 9,500 800 9,700 3,400 5,333 1,900 10,300
1971 94,600 21,200 12,300 200 22,000 6,100 13,800 5,000 14,000
1973 107,300 20,600 16,200 500 26,800 6,900 15,500 5,300 15,500
1975 107,600 17,000 18,500 500 25,300 7,700 15,600 7,700 15,300
1955 542,300 81,000 121,200 11,700 48,800 34,500 119,300 47,000 78,800
1959 727,800 89,000 149,400 15,200 57,300 45,100 143,000 48,800 79,000
1963 743,100 85,500 192,500 13,400 69,100 53,500 172,400 57, 300 99,575
1967 770,100 79,320 194,835 17,712 53,137 57,758 195,605 64,688 107,044
1971 902,500 63,300 227,300 10,800 66, 300 67,900 227,500 67,000 171,600
1973 981,100 60, 800 253,600 9,900 69,300 72,000 250,400 70,400 194,700
1975 995,000 54,000 250,100 10,700 63,400 73,000 281,100 60,400 202,300
Sources: 1954, 1963, 1971 from Sabri Jiryis, The Arabs in Israel, New York, 1976, p. 305.
1967, 1975 from Havari, The Arabs in Israel, 1976, Gevaat Havera, 1976, p. 15.
1963 computed from proportionate distributions in Table 22, L.F.S., 1969, Special Series # 333.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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