The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 428)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 428)
that technically, the rate of change index is influenced by the size and
distribution of the labor force in the base year. In this sense, however,
the higher rates of penetration among the Palestinian-Arab citizens do cor-
respond with reality. They reflect the obstruction of their participation
in the Israeli labor market in the fifties, concomitant with the massive
waves of Jewish immigration into Israel.
The differential penetration of Arab and Jewish citizens is most
striking in the post-1967 War and more specifically during the period of
rapid economic growth in between the two recent wars. In that time, when
labor shortage, both in skilled and unskilled labor, became acute and labor
power was imported from occupied territories and Europe, citizen-Palestin-
ians then penetrated all the expanding productive branches of the economy
at rates that are disproportionately higher than those of Jewish penetra-
tion. (See Row C, specifically E and F, and more specifically, Columns 2,
4, and 5.) The only branches into which Jews penetrated at a higher rate
than Arabs are those in the sphere of circulation (Column 8, Rows C, E, and
F). The latter include commerce, restaurants and hotels, financing and
business service, primarily controlled by Western Jews. Simultaneously,
the 1967 War seems to represent a dramatic turning point in the penetration
of Arab citizens into personal services (becoming the least attractive to
all Jews) and into public and community service (becoming the most attrac-
tive of all economic branches to Oriental-Jews), as in Column 7 and 6 in
Row E.
The direction and rates of change in the employment structures of Arab
and Jewish citizens of Israel in the post-1967 period in general (Row C) and
in the period between the two wars in particular (Row E and F) do again re-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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