The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 431)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 431)
C. Electricity and water (Column 3) is the economic branch in which
Jewish and Arab employment show high rates of decline during periods of
rapid economic growth (Row E and F) and growth in periods of economic stag-
nation (Rows B, D, G). This seemingly negative correlation is most promi-~
nent in the constrast between the three years before and after the 1967 War
(Row C and D).
Although it has the lowest weight in the employment structure, this
economic branch is yet very important, being related to the country's most
scarce resource, namely water, and therefore electricity. The management
of its use becomes even more critical in the absence of other (with the ex-
ception of solar) energy sources. Perhaps the employment figures in this
branch can be read in two different ways:
(a) that an earlier growth does, in effect contribute to the develop-
ment of, hence the generation of employment opportunities in, other bran-
(b) that in the post-1967 era, work in this branch became very capital-
intensive and therefore labor-saving, hence the decline in Arab and Jewish
employment in that branch.
Both interpretations are correct. Aviation Week & Space Technology,
June 14, 1976, testifies for the latter. But also the former interpretation
makes sense, since the figures in Rows B and D relate to that period in
which construction of the first national water scheme for the irrigation of
the Negev took place. That is, the giant canal mobilizing water from nor-
thern Galilee to the southern parts of the country, which may have un-
doubtedly steered employment into this branch.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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