The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 432)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 432)
- المحتوى
Although most of the labor categories generated in this economic
branch in Israel are mental supervisory and managerial ones (centralized
control of this source is one of the fundamental Zionist policies) and per-
formed by Jewish citizens, it is mainly the construction work in this branch
that is likely to be performed by Arabs. Palestinian labor in this employ—
ment branch is therefore definitely proletariat. It is worth mentioning
here the indirect effect of water-use policies on the proletarianization
of citizen-Palestinians through limiting the productivity of agriculture,
hence the discouragement of the self-employed farmers, then left with no
alternative to the selling of their labor power to Jewish agricultural and
other employers.
D. Not unlike the non-citizen Palestinians from Gaza Strip and the
West Bank, citizen Palestinians were also to enter the Israeli modern sec-
tor through the construction industry. The relatively lower rate of growth
in their employment in this compared with other branches such as transport
and personal services (Row A) is only indicative of their much earlier pre-
sence in the construction branch. During the first construction boom and
despite recession, which hit Arab workers harder, as demonstrated in Row D,
Column 4, we still see in Row B (which includes both the periods of boom
and recession) not only a higher rate of Arab than Jewish employment in
this industry, but also replacement of Jews by Arabs in those labor cate-
gories. More importantly, despite the fact that in the early sixties con-
struction was a leading branch in the economy, and despite the availability
of no other labor sources, we see the most dramatic increase in the absorp-
tion of citizen Palestinians into this economic sector to occur precisely
in the period in-between the 1967 and 1973 Wars. This is precisely when - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 60917 (1 views)