The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 433)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 433)
- المحتوى
more than 50 percent of non-citizen labor from occupied territories was
also mobilized into this industry; so that in 1972, 75 percent of the em—
ployees in the building trade were Arabs. No wonder the popularity of
the Israeli joke which is as follows: "Nixon sends us phantoms, Brezhnev
sends us new immigrants, and the Arabs build our country "°°
No doubt that the penetration of non-citizen Palestinians to perform
mainly unskilled labor categories affected the social form of labor per-
formed by the citizen Palestinians within this industry. Many of the latter
became foremen, and "Raises", supervising the productivity of non-citizen
labor. This is to split and discipline both groups of workers, who have
in common their political and ideological subjegation to the Jewish employer.
Intervention in the economic criteria for the structural determination of
class location is an effective policy (from the viewpoint of the Israeli
ruling class) to disrupt the material conditions for proletariat alliance,
hence also to weaken their alliance on national lines. However, only a few
citizen Arabs can be assigned a supervisory managerial position, since
they are less competitive than Jews for such labor categories within this
industry. One can therefore confidently conclude that the large majority
of Palestinian construction workers perform manual work ranging from skilled
to unskilled, hence falling within the boundaries of the working class.
Similarly are the majority of Jews in this industry, whose size in this
employment category increased at the highest rates in the four years follow-
ing the Six-Day War (Row E), as we already explained.
Like the water and electricity industry, so is also construction--the
two most unstable branches that seem, however, to expand and decline in - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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