The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 440)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 440)
- المحتوى
Other Marxists like Nicos Poulantzas disagree with Braverman's in-
terpretation of the Marxist definition of capitalist productive labor,
and therefore disagree with his conclusion regarding the class location
of service employees,
Poulantzas argues that service employees (along with other new wage-
earning groupings that are organically linked to the emergence and re-
production of monopoly capitalism) are unproductive workers. They are so
regardless of the fact that they have overwhelmingly become employees of
capital and that they, too, sell their labor-power for wages that roughly
correspond to the cost of reproduction of their labor-power and even pro-
vide a portion of their labor without payment. Despite the above, they
have not become productive labor because services belong to circulation
capital, not to productive capital. Even when the service performed has
both use and exchange value, i.e., represents a commodity, the service
wage-workers, whether performing in mental or manual labor categories, are
yet unproductive laborers, since they are not engaged in the creation of
surplus value. They are rather engaged in redistribution within the sphere
of capital, that is in the transfer of surplus value that is produced by
productive capital in favor of the capital that appropriates their labor-
power. Their exploitation is therefore similar to that of wage-earners in
the sphere of capital circulation. Poulantzas recalls from Marx himself
“price form" and the "commodity form" without
that products can assume the
thereby possessing value, Due to the generalization of the commodity form
under capitalism, labor can take the commodity form without producing sur-
plus value for capital, Although all capitalist productive labor takes
. 43
the commodity form, not all commodities represent productive labor, - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 60916 (1 views)