The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 442)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 442)
- المحتوى
subsume labor power as the case in personal services. It rather inter-
venes indirectly, by way of the State, and subjects them to the extortion
of surplus labor in order to achieve economies Of revenue, thus to increase
the surplus-value accumulated. The exploitation of public service employees
is essentially a function of the unequal situation in the exchange between
them and capital, having a dominant position on the market.
According to Poulantzas, service employees, as the rest of the new
wage-earning groupings who are unproductive laborers, belong to a specific
class, resulting from the process of class polarization. To this emerging
class he refers as the "New" petty bourgeoisie--new in the sense that it is
in no way destined to follow the petty bourgeoisie threatened with extinc-
tion, and that its development and expansion are conditioned precisely by
the extended reproduction of capitalism itself, and the latter's transition
into the stage of monopoly capitalism.’
Following Poulantzas, one concludes that the increased mobility of
citizen Arabs and Jews in the service sector does not necessarily indicate
an embourgeoisement trend. Further, the majority of Arab and Jewish em-
ployees, regardless of what service branch they enter (personal services,
public and community, or financing and business), this is to say, regardless
of the difference in their locations within the technical division of labor,
are jointly entering into the same class-locations, becoming the "New"
petty bourgeoisie. They are joining neither the bourgeoisie nor the prole-
tariat classes.
Two comments are necessary here. First, the self-employed in the
service sector of course do not belong to the new petty bourgeoisie. They
rather form a part either of the bourgeoisie itself or the traditional - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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