The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 444)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 444)
- المحتوى
surplus value and in the realization process, and in this sense he belongs
to what Wright conceptualizes as a "contradictory class-location". It is
mainly Arabs who perform such labor categories in Israel and if our analy-
sis is correct, they may belong to proletariat class-locations.
In sum, although we may not entirely agree with Poulantzas, using his
economic criteria for class-location, being the most conservative one, it
is much safer for our purposes. For example, if according to Poulantzas we
find that the number of Palestinian-Arabs and Israeli-Jews in proletariat
class-location is tending to increase in the post-1967 era, it means even
more so if assessed by criteria of other Marxists.
H. Despite the rapid and constant mushrooming of the service sector
and the becoming of community and public services the leading economic
branch in terms of the proportional size of the labor force it employs,
hence its share in the Gross National Income, industry has, in the post-
1967 era, maintained the leading position in terms of its share in the
Gross National Product and contribution to foreign exchange. As mentioned
earlier, soon after the war, industry replaced agriculture in the Israeli
export market. In 1975, 24.3 percent (268,600 persons) of the total citi-
zen labor force were employed in industry, compared to 26.9 percent
(296,700) in public and community services. In the same year, only 6.9
percent (or 18,500) of the citizens employed in industry were Arabs. Con-
trary to Jews, Arabs are represented more highly in industry (17.2 percent)
than in community and public services (14.5 percent). In the 1975 indus-
trial structure of employment, industry comes as the second largest em-
ployer of Arabs after construction, and of Jews after community and public
services (see Table K-3). - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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