The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 458)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 458)
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nology production are predominantly mental.
(a) "Marx never reduced mental labor to non-material production,"
says Poulantzas.>~ Marx's main discussions of the capitalist division of
mental and manual labor are situated in the context of the capitalist
socialization of labor, of machinery and large-scale industry:
" the co-operative character of the labor process
becomes more and more marked, so, as a necessary conse-
quence, does our notion of productive labor, and of its
agent, the productive laborer, become extended. In order
to labor productively, it is no longer necessary for you
to do manual work yourself; enough if you are an organ
of the collective laborer and perform one of its subor-
dinate functions..." 52
The sophisticated technicians and engineers (unlike the foremen, for
example) do tend to form part of capitalist productive labor because they
directly valorize capital in the production of surplus-value. The labor
of the technician and engineer in industry represents the appropriation
of scientific discoveries by capital in the process of material produc-
tion. The latter is nothing but innovation, and innovation is the very
appropriation of invention by capital in furthering the development of
its productive forces. The appropriation of science (and more specifi-
cally, its applications, i.e., the technique or the know-how) by capital
in the development of the forces of production is the most distinctive
feature of military production; specifically, its high technology forms.
In this sense, armament is therefore a very productive industry and,
concluding the first issue, is to affirm that mental labor can be produc-—
tive labor, specifically in the cases of possessing the technique.
(b) The extent to which labor categories performed in high techno-
logy production are predominantly mental can be simply answered by a - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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