The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 460)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 460)
international contract for providing military helmets
to one of the South American countries for the sum of
300,000 dollars. Ya'acov Selek, the director of Tama
Factory, who has reported this, said that in Tama there
is a special department which specializes in producing
military helmets, which are regarded with a great deal
of interest in Israel and outside." 56
Military-related metal products enterprises are booming in Israel today.
Such establishments are being erected even in Jewish settlements recently
transplanted in the West Bank.>/
For summing the first part of our question, we may confidently con-
clude, regardless of mental laborers, that a large portion of the Jewish
labor force employed by the arms industry belongs to proletariat class-
locations; this is even true in high technology manufacturing industries.
The second part of the question that remains to be examined here is
whether productive mental laborers in high technology industry belong to
the working class. According to Poulantzas, it does not, even though it
creates surplus value directly. His reason being that it is not by eco-.
nomic criteria alone that class locations are determined. “For Marxism,"
says Poulantzas, "the division between manual and mental labor in no way
coincides with the division between productive and unproductive labor in
the capitalist mode of production...."
In examining the structural class determination of the engineers and
the technicians directly involved in material production (examples of
productive mental laborers), Poulantzas asserts:
"snot only is this division between mental and manual
labor not simply a technical division of labor, but it
actually forms in every mode of production divided into
classes, the concentrated expression of the relation-
ship between political and ideological relations in
their articulation to the relations of production; that
is to say, as these exist and reproduce themselves, in
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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