The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 461)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 461)
the particular form of their relationship (politico-
ideological), both within the production process it-
self, and beyond this in the social formation as a
whole...this division is thus directly bound up with
the monopolization of knowledge, the capitalist form
of appropriation of scientific discoveries and of the
reproduction of ideological relations of domination/
subordination, by the permanent exclusion on the sub- 8
ordinate side of those who are deemed not to ‘know how'"
If technicians and engineers who valorize capital in the production
of surplus value "do not belong as a group to the working class, this is
because," Poulantzas concludes, “in their place within the social divi-
sion of labour they maintain political and ideological relations of sub-
ordination of the working class to capital [the division of mental and
manual] and because this aspect of their class determination is the domi-
nant one."
In the last analysis, Poulantzas maintains that such capitalist pro-
ductive mental laborers, technicians, and subaltern engineers belong
rather to the petty bourgeoisie. And disagreeing with Poulantzas, Olin
Wright places them in "contradictory class-locations,"
this is to say,
belonging simultaneously to the proletariat and to the bourgeoisie. °° This
is a controversial debate that, in the present, remains unresolved.
We must emphasize that neither party views science as a means of
production, hence scientists as owners of means of production and there-
fore belonging to the bourgeoisie. Whether entering petty bourgeois or
contradictory class-locations, Europe-America Jewish immigrants are likely
to constitute the large majority of the latter, and this way even those
of them who are productive still further the steepening of Israel's social
division of labor and the reproduction of capitalist relations of produc-
tion, as suggested in a previous chapter.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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