The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 462)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 462)
We must emphasize also that this productive mental labor force is
not the same as the labor aristocracy. The latter, although enjoying
special material privileges, still form a fraction of the working class;
they belong to proletariat class-locations. It is most likely that within
the military industries is where the majority of Israel's labor aristo-
cracy is concentrated. Maintaining a labor aristocracy at the expense of
other segments of the labor force is a ruling class strategy to guarantee
a conjunctural alliance with a portion of the working class. In Israel,
this labor aristocracy largely consists of the Sabras, the indigenous
The large differential between Sabras and Palestinian-Arab citizens
demonstrated by our index of differentiation of the occupational struc-
ture of employment is probably related to the concentration of the former
in and the isolation of the latter from, this labor aristocracy.
To come back to the initial question we posed much earlier: whether
Palestinian-Arabs and Oriental~Jews are or are not admitted into high
technology arms industries controlled largely by foreign capital is less
a question of joining Western Jewish proletariat in the Israeli working
class, and more a question of joining in a particular fraction of the
working class, namely, the labor aristocracy.
Poulantzas' emphasis on the structural determination of class-loca-
tion in terms of politico-ideological relations of subordination/domina-
tion in the social division of labor and beyond it, in the social forma-
tion as a whole has special significance in the Israeli-Palestinian con-
text, however, is the subject of the following chapter.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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