The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 464)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 464)
The purpose of this chapter, however, is to identify proletarian
locations only on the basis of places agents occupy in the production pro-
cess. This is using Poulantzas' economic but not structural criteria.
Accordingly, the size of the citizen proletariat before and after the 1973
war is presented in Table W. The figures in Table W indicate the follow-
(a) The tendency of Arab and Jewish citizens to join proletariat
class locations is highest during a rapid economic growth (1972) and so is
the size of the working class.
(b) Arabs are much more highly represented in proletariat locations
than Jews.
(c) Economic and political crises tend to intensify proletarianiza-
tion among Arab employees and deproletarianization among Jewish employees.
(d) Although during economic crises Arab citizens entering the labor
force tend to replace Jews in proletariat locations they have shunned,
Arabs, however, can never replace all proletariat Jews due to their pro-
portionately small size in the country's labor force.
(e) In 1973, the size of the Jewish proletariat seems to decrease
both in relative and absolute terms; this is probably the result of mili-
tary mobilization during the war. Decline is noticed also in the relative
size of the Arab proletariat, despite increase in absolute terms. This is
the indirect effect of the war. Arab citizens seem to be mobilized to
fill in proletarian and non-proletarian vacancies created by military
mobilization of Jewish labor.
(f) The 1974 figures indicate a continued decline in the size of the
Jewish proletariat, both in relative and absolute terms,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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