The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 473)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 473)
of Palestinians tends to promote the prospects for cross-national prole-
tariat alliance,
Examining comparatively the dynamics of pre-1967 and post-1967 employ-
ment structures of Palestinian-Arabs and Jews in Israel was very informa-
First, it showed very clearly that 1967 was a turning point in terms
of the rate of increase in Palestinian-Arab employment in Israel as well
as scale. This is true even for citizen Palestinians,
Second, in pre-1967 years, the employment of Palestinian-Arab citi-
zens was subject to extreme fluctuations in demand, this is, if they were
employed in the first place. Their integration into Israel's employment
structure was merely responding to ups and downs in the economy. The
duration of their employment was vulnerable and unpredictable.
Contrasted with this is a more stable presence in Israel's production
process, witnessed since the 1967 war. In this era, it is no longer the
very employment of Palestinian citizens in Israel that fluctuates accor-
ding to crises and booms, but only the forms of labor they perform, i.e.,
the places they occupy in the production process but not their integration
into it. This reflects a more constant demand for Palestinian labor in
the Israeli economy, applying to a lesser degree to non-citizen Palestin-
In the previous era, Arab labor was mobilized only during the con-
struction boom. Now their active participation in production continues
and even increases in the post-1973 crisis period, characterized by de-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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