The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 476)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 476)
citizen Palestinian labor force was wage-labor, compared to 84 percent in
1974; (2) half of the proletarian Palestinian employees in Israel today
are from territories occupied in 1967; (3) that major structural changes
responsible for this proletarianization process are characteristic of the
post-1967 period, as demonstrated later in Chapter VII.
Fifth, in this chapter we identified the places Palestinian-Arabs, in
comparison with Israeli-Jews, occupy both in the technical and the social
divisions of labor, and the number of all those who belong to the working
class. They are still a minority among wage-earners, constituting about
45 percent of all employees in Israel. Although they share identical pro-
letarian locations in the production process, they may not constitute a
homogeneous class once their places in the social formation as a whole
are considered. This is the subject of the following chapter.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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