The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 481)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 481)
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The 1974 elections in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip resulted,
despite repression, in a full support for the P.L.O. leadership and
the defeat of an alternative local administration.
These figures are computed from Arie Bregman, The Economy of the Ad-
ministered Areas 1974-75, Jerusalem, 1976, p. 25. (Hebrew). Hilal,
op. cit., gives more conservative estimates of these figures, thus
likely to be wrong.
The Rand Report on The Economic Structure and Development Prospects
of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, by Haim Ben-Shahar, etc., 1971,
documents Israel's attempts to penetrate into the European agricul-
tural commodity market since the 1967 War, trying to compete speci-
fically with labor-intensive products, of which vegetables are the
most prominent, utilizing the abundant reservoir of cheap labor in
the occupied territories (for further details, see pp. 56-99 of the
same reference). Since the 1973 War, agriculture employment de-
clines, probably in part due to increased productivity, but mainly
to the more easy and profitable penetration into international mar-
kets, including the European Common Market, with competitive high
technology products. Israel's industrial products became the lead-
ing export sector. See Aviation Week & Space Technology, June 14,
A personal interview (May 17, 1976).
Quoted from the proposal for the project on the housing industry in
Israel prepared by Professors Robert Logcher and Albert Dietz of
Ibid., p. 22.
A. Bregman, Economic Growth in the Administered Areas 1968-1973,
Jerusalem, 1974, p. 35.
The Economists! Intelligence Unit, Quarterly Economic Review - Israel,
No. I, 1976, p. 8.
For example, Administered Territories Statistics Quarterly, a publi-
cation of Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics. Israel Defense
Forces — Labor Force and Other Surveys. The Bank of Israel Surveys,
See Table XII/28 (enclosed) from Statistical Abstract of Israel,
1975, pp. 330-331. The table presents average number of years of
schooling, cross-tabulated by economic branch, occupation, and popu-
lation group, but does not show the distribution of the Jewish and
non-Jewish populations in each occupation within a particular indus-
try or economic branch. The latter can otherwise be most significant
to our analysis. - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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