The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 483)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 483)
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wage-earners perform productive or unproductive labor, hence do or
do not belong to the proletariat class. For bourgeois social scien-
tists, who agree on denying the class specificity of these new wage-
earning groupings, the controversy lies in how to dissolve the latter
among existing social classes. Renner, Croner, Bendix and others,
for example, dissolve them into the bourgeoisie. Tf. Geiger, C.
Wright-Mills, and others, place them within the boundaries of the
working class. Dahrendorf divides them into bourgeoisie and working
class, depending on their relation to the exercise of power and
authority. Others like Fossaet 1961 and Praderie 1968 consider them
a "Third Force", members of the "Tertiary" sector, and therefore be-
long to the traditional petty bourgeoisie. In our analysis, we
choose to ignore these considerations simply as irrelevant because
bourgeois social scientists are incapable of relating to real social
class, since by definition they cannot conceive of social classes as
existing and being defined only in class struggle. The latter is
precisely the paradigm they essentially oppose. Prominent examples
of the incorrect conception of social classes as they exist in reality
are: the concept of the "service class" in Industrial Man (ed., T.
Burns), 1969; and the more recently developed concept of the "welfare
class" by M. Rien, 1977, in his article, "Is There a Welfare Class?",
Not only that both see social classes as external to the production
process itself and its social division of labor, but also that, as
is the first case, they define class in terms of the concrete content
or form (service) but not social form of the labor performed by these
wage-earners. In the second case, class is even indifferent to labor
regardless of its form; it is rather defined by the form or source
of revenue for subsistence.
All “social stratification" categories derived by bourgeois social
scientists from the surface-structure of society, from the technical
division of labor, and unilaterally from the sphere of distribution
have indeed nothing to do with social classes as real social forces
in the real world. Therefore, we cannot take seriously either, their
controversy regarding the class-location of service employees.
39. Harry Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital, Monthly Review Press,
New York, 1974, p. 412.
40. Ibid., p. 410.
41. Ibid., pp. 348, 355.
42. Nicos Poulantzas, Classes in Contemporary Capitalism, NLB, London,
1975, pp. .
43. Poulantzas is referring to Marx in Capital, Vol. ITI, p. 294.
44. Karl Marx, "Results of the Immediate Production Process," in Capital,
Vol. I, Penguin, 1975, Appendix. - تاريخ
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- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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