The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 490)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 490)
tion. The various segments of the working class tend to be hierarchically
positioned at much deeper and more comprehensive levels than can be revealed
by the employment structure; the working class seems segmented not only by
division of labor (technical and social), but also by divisions external
to the labor process.
To elaborate more on this, it requires further specification of this
tentative "model" presented in the chart. We observe five hierarchically
differentiated arrangements by which the working class is internally seg-
mented. These are: ethnic, habitat, capital, industry, and occupation-
related subsystems. Each subsystem consists of four hierarchical levels.
They are hierarchical by a specific ranking criterion, as shown below:
Vertical Dimension Ranking Criterion
1. Occupational hierarchy aa Years of schooling, level of in-
vestment in human capital
2. Industrial hierarchy >> Level of production (primary --
finishing) and "forward-linkages"
3. Habitat hierarchy > Standards of living or subsis-
tence cost
4, Ethnic/national hierarchy naa Political and ideological domina-
5. Employer or capital hierarchy >> Rate of exploitation
The various segments of the working class ranked on all these five
normative scales make up four horizontally-integrated clusters. These are
specifically revealing of the extent to which the segmentation of the work-
ing class is comprehensive and systematic. Each segment of the working
class belongs consistently to one of the four hierarchical levels in all
five dimensions. European-American proletariat are located on the top levels
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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