The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 493)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 493)
The ratio of distribution among Sabras, Orientals, and European-American
immigrants is 2.2 : 66.1 : 31.7 (in 1953), as compared to 12.2 : 65.5:
22.3 (in 1962), respectively. European-American immigrants seem to be
competitors to Sabras in the occupational structure.
By 1974, evidence from Israel Monthly Bulletin of Statistics indicates
that Oriental-Jews continue to be the most highly represented among Jewish
wage-workers in unskilled productive occupations: representing 55.2 per-
cent of all Jewish unskilled industrial and construction workers and /0.9
percent of agricultural cash-croppers (also unskilled labor) .7 They also
represent the largest portion of skilled workers in industry and construc-
The representations of Arab and Oriental-Jewish proletariat in skilled
occupational categories is more likely to be the result of on-the-job-
training than formal schooling, and the fact that they are the least mobile
in the employment structure. They become skillful over time. This is, for
example, how Arab workers become skillful in construction. It has nothing
to do with years of schooling.
Statistical Abstract of Israel, 1975 provides data on occupational
structure, by population group and average years of schooling per occupa~
tional post. This reference, together with information above, suggest an
occupational hierarchy; a hierarchy that reflects the predominant locations
of the various ethnic/national segments of the working class (Scale 1).
On the basis of the scale presented on the following page, Western (Euro-
pean-American immigrant) Jews rank the highest in the occupational hier-
archy; second come Sabras, then Oriental-Jews, and then Arabs.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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