The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 495)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 495)
- المحتوى
primary, i.e., production of raw material (mining, agricultural planta-
tions), or intermediate level, i.e., the production of consumer goods
(food processing, textiles, construction, etc.), or finishing levels, like
in the production of luxury goods (diamond products, arms machinery, etc.).
These levels of production, in fact, relate to the ratio of dead labor to
live labor in production inputs. The greater the dead-live labor ratio
in an industry, the higher it ranks. This index may also be an index of
Most relevant to what we mean by "forward-linkage" ranking criterion
is the extent to which an industry produces commodities that determine
subsistence cost, the cost of reproduction of labor power of the country's
proletariat, or some segments of it. This may help us identify in what
industries labor is subjected to the extraction of super profits by the
capitalist class, and therefore in what industries workers indirectly bene-
fit from surplus value created hy the former.
Another way of looking at the same thing is from the point of labor's
work conditions and vulnerability. More strategic and basic industry, such
as arms products, exercise higher stabilizing effects on the economy at
large and can undermine mass consumer goods production (as happened in the
Massachusetts economy, for example). Work conditions from the point of
view of labor are likely to be better in the more than in the less strate-
gic industries, at least for reducing labor instability and high risk. In
these terms, we identify the industrial hierarchy (Scale 2).
Again, on the industrial scale predominantly Western Jews rank highest,
Sabras second, then Oriental-Jews, followed by Arabs on the bottom of the
scale. The location of the various population groups in the industrial - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 60866 (1 views)