The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 496)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 496)
- المحتوى
hierarchy suggests that Western and Sabra Jews rely for their basic con-
sumption (housing, clothing, food, the determinants of urban-workers' wage)
on commodities produced by Oriental-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs. Western
and Sabra-Jews are not engaged in basic consumer goods’ production for the
local market. They are, rather, engaged in luxury consumer goods and high
technology military commodities for the international market.
This arrangement has important implications with regard to relation
to surplus value and will be interpreted in its full implication as we pro-
ceed in discussing the habitat and capital hierarchies; that is, the site
of reproduction of labor power, and the site in which this labor power is
situated in the process of production itself.
Scale 2. Industrial Hierarchy by "Forward-linkages"
Finishing levels, high technology
£ i r Lona
Western Jews 1 arms products or inte nation 1
———— market (electronics, avionics,
Intermediary and finishing heavy
Sabras 2 and light luxury consumer goods
, (diamonds and leather), metallic
arms products, mainly for export
Light intermediary basic consumer
. goods (food processing and tex-
Oriental-Jews 3} tiles), primary agricultural pro-
duction and mining; arms-related
metal products
ar Pal - i Primary and intermediary levels
een alestinian~ —_——_ construction, agricultural and
Fans food/textile industries
Lowest - تاريخ
- ١٩٧٨
- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 60866 (1 views)