The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 497)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 497)
C. The Habitat Hierarchy
Habitat refers here to human settlements. A distinctive feature of
Jewish settlement in Palestine is the innovative approach to spatial organ-
ization and settlement patterns. This is especially true in the rural
sector. Utopian and new forms of habitat have been important factors for
the recruitment and absorption of Aliyah and for stimulating land coloni-
zation. Settlement innovation has been, since the Yishuv and continues
to be today, most instrumental for this goal.
In this analysis, we are concerned with the question of habitat, not
from an environmental design perspective in the physical articulation of
the built form; we are rather looking at habitat mainly as a reproduction
site. The site on which the labor force is reproduced on daily and gener-
ational bases.
Of course, each spatial form for human settlement is distinguished by
a peculiar set of relations of production, consumption, and reproduction.
Spatial organization of society, specifically its built forms, are not ac-
cidental nor neutral developments. They are reflections of the social or-
ganization of production which, in turn, determines the organization of
consumption and reproduction.
Under capitalist relations of production, labor itself becomes a com-
modity that has an exchange value determined by the socially necessary
labor time for maintaining it in working condition. Therefore, it makes a
real difference to wage and profit where the worker lives, where his/her
power is reproduced.
In Israel, spatial organization is very much the function of rational
planning and management, not evolution. Spatial management that corres-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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