The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 498)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 498)
ponds to the objectives of the Zionist movement: Jewish proletarianiza-
tion/capitalization, and the creation of a Jewish capitalist social forma-
tion through colonial settlement; Jewish relations of production and Jewish
class struggle for the reproduction of the State superstructure. These
considerations seem to be articulated in settlement patterns since the
Yishuv.> It is, therefore, a very important aspect of the political econ-
omy of Israel where the various segments of the working class reside. This
question overlaps with the following discussion regarding type of employer
(capital) and relations to the political/ideological superstructure to be
further discussed later on.
We identify a hierarchical relationship among the various habitat
forms. Hierarchical in terms of "standards of living", as a ranking cri-
terion. Standards of living is regarded here as an indicator of the dif-
ferential cost of reproduction of labor power of the residents of a parti-
cular habitat. This ranking criterion reflects people's positions in the
worlds of both production and consumption. Standards of living cannot be
measured by income alone, it must also include public services, access or
lack of access to development opportunities, the quality of education,
health (preventive and curative services), environmental quality, recrea-
tional facilities, etc. One can also use per capita municipal budget as a
measurement of standards of living of the different habitat forms.
In these terms, habitat forms in Israel rank as reflected on Scale 3,
shown on the following page. Note that we excluded the kibbutz, because
we are concerned only with the location of proletarian labor force in the
various habitat. Kibbutznic labor, owing to its relation to the means of
production through its share in the communal ownership, is not part of the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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