The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 505)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 505)
One way of dealing with this question in the present study is to recog-
nize some important transformations that are currently taking place in Is-
raeli social formation which are likely to radically alter the conditions
mentioned above. These transformations involve land speculations -- the
emergence of land market; which is likely to stimulate the privitization of
land ownership, hence the transformation of the existing land use policy
with regard to "national" land, which will eventually undermine the inalien-
able right of the Jew to land possession. Furthermore, it may lead to con-
centration in private land holdings, hence displacement of Jewish farmers
and their coersive drift into proletarianization.
Another process which is likely to bring about "genuine" Jewish prole-
tarianization in Israel is the increasing concentration of Israeli capital
displacing the petty commodity producer and small capitalist.
These processes suggest at least the beginning, if not the continua-
tion, of actual Jewish proletarian class formation, through "real" class
All these are tendencies that signify "secularization" in the relation
of production in Israel. Secularization subject to the state of develop-
ment and requirements of its productive forces, which are increasingly
interwoven with the internationalization of capital. Theoretically, these
processes secularize also the Jewish State, and therefore are likely to
transform the conditions underlying the relation of political-—ideological
domination/subordination between Arab and Jewish proletariat.
These secularization tendencies get more clearly illustrated by anal-
yzing the sources of capital by which the various segments of the working
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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