The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 519)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 519)
of wage, neither the State nor the public sector invest in Arab community
services or subsidize reproduction cost. Jewish citizens enjoy free com-
munity infrastructural facilities. Arab citizens pay for even installa-
tion costs of infrastructural projects. The Government budget allocation
among Jewish versus Arab municipal councils is most indicative of how un-
even development in standards of living, reproduction cost, hence wage al-
location, is reproduced by differential locations of Arabs and Jews in re-
lation to the State superstructure.-°
With the commuter labor system on the basis of habitat segregation,
it is in the direct interest of Israeli private capital to underdevelop the
Arab villages.
Commuter labor can be even more profitable than the typical migratory
labor system. As in the former case, capital can rely on the commuters'
community for even the daily reproduction of the commuters’ labor power.
This is especially so in daily commuting systems, as the case with Pales-
tinian labor in Israel. The Israeli capitalists, the buyers of labor power
from Palestinian commuter sellers, save not only propagation cost -- the
cost of reproduction of the labor force on a generational basis -- but the
Israeli capitalist can also rid himself of a large portion of the commuters'
daily subsistence cost. Consequently, the Israeli capitalist reaps super-
profits. Daily commuting applies even more strictly to Palestinian workers
from Gaza and the West Bank.
In conclusion, economically speaking, commuting of Arab labor from
communities of lower standards of living into Jewish work places in commun-
ities of higher standards of living, and more recently, the commuting ot
Israeli private capital into these very communities to reach out for female
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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