The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 520)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 520)
labor that is not allowed to commute (due to patriarchal subjegation) does
subjegate this segment of the working class to the highest relative rates
of exploitation. In this sense, this source of capital ranks in the bottom
of the employer's hierarchy.
For labor from the occupied territories, daily commuting is compulsory
for reducing security risk. But daily commuting from under occupation
generates further security risks. To regulate and control commuter labor/
mobility labor, the military administration imposes the requirement of a
., 21 +s
work permit. Palestinian workers can legally commute across the Green
Line borders only with a permit from the military administration -- an ap-
paratus of the State of Israel. Israeli employers supposedly purchase
these permits so that the State is reimbursed for the cost of occupation.
To get themselves reimbursed for the cost of work permits and prevent a
decline in the rate of profit, Israeli capitalists resorted to the use of
a new system: 'smuggled labor".
(b) the smuggled labor system: even greater profits are reaped by
Israeli capitalists who employ illegally-smuggled Palestinian labor from
the West Bank and Gaza. This is another system of labor made operative in
Israel precisely through the collaboration of Palestinian labor contractors
(citizens and non-citizens) known as Raises (recall Chapter III, last sec-
tion). Earlier in this thesis we have documented the illegal commuting of
this labor force, specifically female agricultural cash-croppers, into
moshav farms through the Raises. We also documented the fact that they
often stay overnight in rural work places. It is expected that in urban
centers smuggled labor is politically more risky, but less exposed than
in rural areas. Recent reports, however, have revealed smuggled Palestin-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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