The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 522)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 522)
price of maintaining it.
The labor-aristocracy still belongs to the proletariat, however, as a
"privileged" faction that indirectly benefits from surplus value created by
other members of the proletariat. Labor-aristocracy versus the rest is not
the only segmentation in Israel's working class. The working class is seg-
mented on ethnic/national lines into four groupings:
1. European-American immigrants;
2. Early settler Sabras;
3. Oriental—Jews;
4. Palestinian-Arabs.
These groupings constitute, respectively, the hierarchical structure of
the working class itself. This internal structure of the working class
seems comprehensively and systematically designed to guarantee its self-
The internal segmentation of the working class on national/ethnic
lines is observable in the spheres of production, consumption, and repro-
duction. The differential relative rate of exploitation to which the vari-
ous segments of the working class are subjegated is function and indica-
tive of the role each segment plays in these three spheres respectively.
The internal structure of the proletariat suggests the possibility of in-
direct economic exploitation within the working class in the sense that
some segments of the proletariat benefit indirectly from surplus value
created by other segments of this class. This is a result precisely from
the differential locations of the various segments of the Israeli labor
force within the five dimensions we identified in the social formation.
There is a five-dimensional hierarchical variation in the economic
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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