The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 524)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 524)
territories made possible by the political privilege of the former as
part of the oppressor nation). In this sense, both Eastern segments of the
working class are jointly subjected not only to direct exploitation by the
capitalist class, but also to indirect exploitation by the Western segments
of the working class (the labor-aristocracy). Therefore, material impedi-
ments of proletarian alliance are likely to be less between Palestinian-Arab
workers and Oriental-Jewish workers than between the latter and Western-
Jewish workers. Similarity in the cultural backgrounds, hence the consump-
tion patterns of the Oriental-Jews and the Palestinian-Arabs are likely to
reinforce the commonality of their class interests and, consequently, their
political class positions. Proletarian alliance is seen here as an expres-
sion of class position and not necessarily class interest dictated by the
objective location within the social division of labor and social formation.
The structure of the proletariat is characterized by horizontal inte-
gration/vertical differentiation that cuts across various spheres of so-
ciety. The importance of these horizontal segmentations lies in the genera-
tion and reproduction of the vertical differentiations. These are, in turn,
most functional for not only political stability, but also and simultaneous-
ly productivity of capital through cheaper reproduction of labor power for
the dominant capital. This concrete case illustrates the instrumentality
of uneven development for growth under capitalist relations of production.
We must recall again that Israel's social formation is a pre-planned
one. That these arrangements that we have identified and expressed on
Chart I are not accidental, but rather the by-product of a very deliberate
planning effort, carried out mainly by the Yishuv institutions of the State
and the State itself for specific economic/political objectives. Initially,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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