The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 532)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 532)
this branch and establish a new venture. It is far easier to put together
the million or two million dollars necessary for building a new textile
plant than to assemble the hundreds of millions needed to set up even a rela-
tively small steel work.""7
The organic composition of capital is determined by unsuccessive ac-
cumulation of surplus value. Accumulated surplus value is that entire part
of surplus value which is not unproductively consumed, and which is trans-
formed into supplementary constant capital (more quantity of raw materials,
machines, etc.), or into supplementary variable capital (means for hiring
more workers), Furthermore, in the ratio between constant capital and vari-
. . . . ee oa Cc .
able capital which is the organic composition of capital, Sac tends to
increase; and the process of growth in the organic composition of capital
represents succession of capitalization processes.
The organic composition of capital increases antagonistically by way
of competitive struggle governed by the law of "the big fish eats the lit-
tle". The competitive struggle is, therefore, accompanied by a continuous
concentration of capital, by the displacement of a large number of business-
men by a smaller number and by the transformation of certain number of in-
dependent business people into technicians, managers, foremen, and even
simple subordinate office personnel and workers. As put by Marx, "capital
grows in one place to a huge mass in a single hand because it has in another
place been lost by many ."">
The concentration of capital is a permanent law of capitalist society
and is accompanied by the proletarianization of a part of the bourgeois
class, the expropriation of a certain number of the bourgeoisie by a smaller
number of the bourgeoisie. This seems an aspect of what is happening in
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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