The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 536)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 536)
Table SS. Structure of Industry in 1972/73 (establishments engaging 5 or
more persons).
‘000 Gross | Percentage
Number of persons| output | share of
establishments engaged| [£mn |total revenue
Mining and Quarrying 61 4.2 397 2.4
Food, Beverages and
Tobacco 785 33.8 3,373 20.1
Textiles 422 24.0 1,486 8.9
Clothing 855 22.7 914 5.4
Wood and Furniture 641 10.0 644 3.8
Paper and Products 115 4,8 423 2.5
Printing and Publishing 458 8.4 439 2.6
Leather and Products 225 3.1 158 0.9
Rubber and Plastics 229 9.3 720 4.3
Chemicals and Oil
Products 182 10.3 | 1,138 6.3
Non-metallic Minerals 302 9.9 780 4.7
Diamond Industry 440 8.0 810 4.8
Basic Metals 73 5.5 541 3.2
Metal Products 1,030 26.5 1,665 9.9
Machinery 225 10.3 722 4.3
Electrical and Electronic
Equipment 247 20.1 | 1,317 7.9
Transport Equipment 120 18.9 | 1,048 6.3
Miscellaneous Manufac-
turing 190 4.0 207 1.2
TOTAL 6,600 234.0 |16,782 100.0
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel No. 26, 1975, in Quarterly
Economic Review, 1976,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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