The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 540)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 540)
- المحتوى
industry). We notice a considerable increase (25 percent) in the number of
establishments compared with only 5 percent in the size of the labor force.
The average size of the establishment declined from 22 workers in 1963 to
18 workers in 1972/1973. The latter is most likely the result of productivity
hence concentration of capital, not workers -- capital deepening.
(f) The clothing industry:
A different pattern of transformation seems to occur in clothing,
another major traditional industry in Israel. Here, also, we notice expan-
sion of 9 percent in the number of establishments; however, of 229 percent
in the number of workers. The average size of the establishment increased
from 9 to 27 workers. This is probably indicative more of a capitalist trans-
formation of the petty commodity form than of concentration per se. Expan-
Sion in this industry after 1967 has probably been stimulated by the Israeli
popularization of traditional Palestinian embroidery (as Tozeret-Ha'aretz)
in the international market, and the abundance of skilled and cheap Pales-
tinian female labor to produce it. Israeli-Jewish owned embroidery estab-
lishments (with workshop appearance and factory essence) are increasing
transplanted in the Arab area inside and across the Green Line. This is
converting a Palestinian craft into mass production. This transformation
applies also to the traditional Israeli clothing craft. This may be a way
for this traditional Jewish industry to survive the increasing competition
of other industries and the resulting concentration.
The increase in the number of establishments in the clothing and dia-
mond industries, the two traditional Jewish industries also in Diaspora,
may be taken to signify something else: the possibility that after the Six-
Day War, some Westerntzed Jewish petty bourgeoisie immigrated to Israel, - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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