The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 545)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 545)
- المحتوى
A. Transformation in the Kibbutz Economy
Most striking is the emergence of "Regional Factories" of all the
kibbutzim. A "Regional Factory" is a factory belonging to several kibbutzim
im partnership, sometimes together with the Government or a private investor
in addition. Such a factory is built outside the boundaries of any of the
kibbutzim that own it, probably in order to "resolve" the contradiction of
"hired" labor within the kibbutz by transferring it outside its boundaries?°
According to Yediot Aharonot (April 13, 1977), the "Regional Factories" of
all the kibbutzim consist of ten groups with 165 subsidiary factories, em-
ploying 5,000 workers, of which only 1,000 are members of kibbutzim.
On the emergence of this phenomenon, Davar (April 22, 1977) reports:
the "kibbutz organization of industry" has decided, with the approval of
the Histadrut, to subcontract the work "which is not appropriate to the
character of the kibbutz" to special factories, which will be situated in
Arab villages of Israel, and which will not be allowed to become complete
plants, but which will be limited only to such work of subcontracting as
will be given to them by the kibbutz industries,
This innovative idea of Regional Factories of the kibbutzim must be
seen in the context not only of furthering the reliance of Palestinian-Arab
labor to replace, hence release, kibbutznik labor into managerial or productive
labor categories in more strategic kibbutz and non-kibbutz industry. Rather,
it must be also seen in the context of adaptation of utopian socialist forms
to the capitalist transformation of the economy-at-large and in the midst
of concentration and centralization processes.
Of course, the use of these Regional Factories makes invisible the
violation of Labor-Zionist ideals, specifically the principle of Hebrew
labor. These Regional Factories are indicative of the kibbutz' transformation - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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