The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 549)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 549)
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self-labor, its original interpretation of labor-Zionism, but also the prin-
ciple of Hebrew work by hiring non-Jews. This is to say, the hiring of
Arab labor in the kibbutz does entirely distort the socialist-Zionist charac-
ter of the kibbutz. Subcontracting, which reduces merely the visibility of
this distortion, is therefore a form of remedy to restore the kibbutz poten-
tial to serve the Aliyah objective. This, indeed, exposes the essentially
exclusivist character of the kibbutz as a socialist-Zionist institution, let
alone the mythology of its socialism. To be more precise, subcontracting
to factories in Arab villages represents an adaptation to accommodate the
troublesome conflict between its ideologically and politically-based exclu-
sivism, on the one hand, and the urge for profit, for hiring the cheaper
Arab labor, on the other. Notice, however, the predominance of the economic
instance over the ideological and political ones in this phase of the kibbutz
development, as a micro-cosmic picture of what is happening in the Israeli
social formation as a whole.
The development of the Regional Factories of all the kibbutzim and the
subcontracting to factories situated in Arab villages is consistent with
the current conflict between the economic instance and the political/ideo-
logical instances. Furthermore, it simultaneously represents the institu-
tionalization of the violation of the two-fold principle of self-labor/
Hebrew-work, through the use of hired labor in the Regional Factories, and
the hiring of Arab labor by means of subcontracting, on the one hand, and
the masking of these two-fold violations by externalizing the contradictions,
pretending no distortion in its socialist-Zionist character, on the other.
Since its very inception, the kibbutz as a configuration of labor-Zion-
ism has had to constantly and innovatively cope with its internal contradic- - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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