The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 550)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 550)
tion, inherent in the combination of opposites of: socialist appearance
and capitalist essence. In retrospect, the kibbutz in its concrete form
and real experience refutes the essential unity of Zionism and socialism
claimed by Borochov, the founding father of Labor-Zionism. It highlights
the essential antagonism between socialism as a proletariat alternative,
and Zionism, being ultimately a bourgeois alternative.
This is different from arguing about the kibbutz" internal contradic-
tions as being a function of incongruities between its intrinsically social-
ist character and the essentially capitalist environment into which it was
transplanted. The latter argument is misleading; it is historically inac-
curate, in the sense of misinterpreting the actual role of the kibbutz in
the creation of a settler-colonial social formation, and precisely in the
formation of Jewish social classes -- using Borochov's term -—- in the "nor-
malization" of the Jewish society of Diaspora, which consisted of a "one-
people class", as Abram Leon documents.
This is different, also, from arguing that the contradictions facing
the kibbutz today are the result of inconsistencies between the theory and
practice of socialist Zionism, or the effects of Statehood, which has cen-
tralized the Jewish socio-economic existence in Palestine, resulting finally
in the current bankruptcy of the kibbutz. The kibbutz, we emphasize again,
must be viewed in the proper historical context, in terms of its role in
the creation of a Jewish social formation in Palestine and not in isola-
tion from the latter. In this sense, the kibbutz community, which formed
the core of the Jewish petty bourgeoisie in Palestine, played a major role
in the development of a Jewish social formation and, currently, in the for-
mation of Jewish proletariat and bourgeoisie; this is to say, in furthering
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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