The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 558)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 558)
- المحتوى
labor force rose from 4 percent to 7.2 percent. From 1952 to 1974, the num-
ber of those employed in industry in the kibbutz increased nearly five-fold.
Pohoryles also states, "among the various settlement forms in Israel, the
most rapid rate of industrial growth took place in the kibbutz."!®
These figures are somehow to substantiate the relative effect of kibbutz
industrialization on the proletarianization process. To sum up, several
studies have examined intra-kibbutz and inter-kibbutz stratification, but
none has examined the possibilities of class-transformation. This is propo-
sing an important subject for future research that emerges from our present
study. A future research must also focus on whether, in cases similar to
kibbutz Magen, the entire kibbutz community is drifting as a unity into pro-
letariat class-location or becoming, itself, internally segmented by class;
a proletariat employed in external enterprises, and a self-employed petty
bourgeois farmer or craftsman. Once a kibbutz community is proletarianized,
or transformed into a collective modern employer or into a class society, the
kibbutz, essentially, does no longer exist; even if the appearance may be
conserved as a living museum, commemorating the early settlers' egalitarian-
pioneerism in the route to advanced capitalism, a situation not unlike the
living museum in the town of Plymouth, Sturbridge, etc. of Massachusetts,
commemorating the primitive habitat of the early Pilgrims in their very road
to technological America.
The regionalization of the kibbutz industrial production and the subcon-
tracting to small subsidiaries situated in Arab villages and which are system-
atically maintained as incomplete plants, seem to represent the beginning of
conglomeration of kibbutz capital. - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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