The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 563)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 563)
the Galilee in particular the Judiazation schemes are motivated primarily
by the imperative of Jewish demographic superiority.
Military industrialization of the rural frontiers is, therefore, pro-
vision of material incentives for Aliyah, for population dispersion, and
for readjustment of the demographic map to new political and economic re-
An illustration of a more recent adjustment is a proposal by Defense
Minister Shimon Peres (presented in the Government meeting on May 8, 1977)
to transfer 11 military factories with their 3,000 workers from central
locations in the country into the Negev and transfer of other military fac-
tories and training school with their 4,000 employees from Haifa into the
Galilee; a relocation scheme with an initial cost of 60 million I.L. Minis-
ter Peres added that a new additional arms factory will be erected in Segif
(a Jewish settlement) near Sakhnin (an Arab village).
Concomitant with the transplantation of military industrial plants in
rural Jewish settlements is the transfer of the supplanted traditional
industries of these settlements into Arab villages. Military industriali-
zation of Jewish rural settlements is, therefore, resulting in non-military
industrialization of the Arab community.
C. The Industrialization of the Arab Community: Development or Plunder?
For small local Israeli private capital to accumulate in the face of
more competitive capital in the country, the Arab community represents the
indispensable fertile investment site. Only in the least developed com-
munities where subsistence cost is lowest can this form of capital reap
super-profit. And only with super-profit can this capital increase its
organic composition and expand.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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