The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 566)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 566)
Palestinian-Arab labor power) is new. It represents a special phase in
the integration of the indigenous population into the settlers" economy
and more precisely into the dominant mode of accumulation, currently being
advanced capitalism.
This type of integration through the transplanting of agricultural and
industrial enterprises by the Israeli national capital is considered by
some Israeli officials as community development for the absorption of
Palestinian refugees, hence the settlement of their national question. We
argue that this tendency of Israeli investment capital to move into tradi-
tional Palestinian communities is essentially related to the intensifica-
tion of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall with the persistence of
the economic crisis since the 1973 October War. The intensification of this
structural tendency of a falling rate of profit in turn urges capital to
extract a higher relative rate of surplus value. The latter is economically
more feasible and politically more appealing through the mobility of Is-
raeli-~Jewish capital into Arab communities than in the case of Palestinian-
Arab labor mobility into Jewish work places. This way, the Israeli national
(a) rids itself of paying for work permits when the employed are non-
citizen Palestinians;
(b) reduces the cost of production because subsistence cost is lower
in Arab villages and falls mainly on the extended family and the traditional
sector of production;
(c) increases the realized profit from accumulated surplus value
through centrally-provided tax exemption incentives for investment in rural
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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