The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 569)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 569)
What is unique, indeed, is the transformation of land tenure and use
in the Jewish co-operative rural sector; the moshav shitufee and the kib-
butz. In these cases, land is essentially the inalienable property of the
Jewish State. A Jew, by Israeli law, has an inalienable right to use this
so-called "national land". Put differently, the Israeli-Jew is implicitly,
by definition, and explicitly, by law, entitled at least to possession of
land. 'Possession" is the capacity to put the means of production into
operation. This is slightly different from “economic ownership", which is
the real control of the means of production, i.e., the power to assign the
means of production to given uses and so to dispose of the products ob-
Economic ownership and possession are the two aspects of the double
relationship of which the relations of production in a class society con-
sist. The double relationship refers to: (a) the relationship between
the non-worker (the owner) and the object and means of labor; (b) the re-
lationship between the immediate producer (the direct worker) and the ob-
ject and means of labor.
In every class society it is the owners who have real control over the
means of production and exploit the direct producers by extorting surplus
labor from them in various forms (like surplus-value, Fund-of-Rent, etc.),
depending on the particular mode of production.
This ownership, the real economic, is to be distinguished from "legal
ownership", which is sanctioned by law and belongs to the superstructure.
The law generally ratifies economic ownership, but it is possible for the
forms of legal ownership not to coincide with real economic ownership. In
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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