The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 574)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 574)
As demonstrated by Chapter III, State and public institutions are fail-
ing to control their sectarian land use policy. Legal sanctions imposed on
Jewish land leasees who are employing Arab labor are proved to be ineffec-
tive. They resulted in discrete forms of transfer back to Arab hands the
tilling of their land; discrete methods that are ironically not different
from those used in the Yishuv to transfer Arab land to Jewish tillers.
Most striking of all is the emergence of a land market in which land
becomes merely a secular commodity, transferable freely, subject to market
exchange relations.
This process is an aspect of liberalization policy as investment in-
centive to facilitate penetration and accumulation of capital, foreign and
IV. Conclusions
The process of concentration of production as well as the transforma-
tions in rural Israel represent secularization of the relations of produc-
tion. Transformation of the sectarian impositions of Labor-Zionism, secu-
larization in the sense that the relations of production are no longer pre-
dominantly Jewish. Jewish labor is increasingly employed by foreign monopoly
capital. Israeli Jewish capital (private and co-operative) is increasingly
employing Palestinian-Arab labor. The Jewish petty bourgeoisie is increas-
ingly transformed into capitalist employer of Palestinian labor. State and
public capital in high technology, as we recall from other parts of this
thesis, employ also non-Jewish European migratory labor. This means class
struggle in Israel is no longer Jewish, i.e., internal to Jewish life, as
it was planned to be by proletarian Zionists.
The historical material prerequisites for the Jewishness of the State
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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