The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 575)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 575)
superstructure have been secularized. Israel's material "base" is
no longer purely or even predominantly Jewish as far as struggling forces,
class forces. This may imply that the State of Israel is theoretically no
longer a Jewish State. It is no longer a relation of struggling Jewish
classes; a manifestation of class antagonism peculiar to and internal to
Jewish society. The principal contradictions are increasingly located be-
tween Israeli-Jewish labor and foreign monopoly capital, on the one hand,
and Israeli-Jewish capital and Palestinian-Arab labor, on the other.
In the current phase, the State of Israel manifests the culmination of
the contradiction inherent in Labor-Zionism: its closed Jewish sectarian-
ism versus its open capitalist secularism. Conflict is thus emerging
today between Zionism and the essential internationalization of capital.
The coincidence once existing between the two is over. It was seemingly
only a transitional coincidence. In this sense, not only the unique fea-
tures of this settler-colonial formation have transformed. There is also
a functional transformation, as is happening in other settler-colonial for-
mations. Perhaps settler-colonial formations are essentially transitional
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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