The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 579)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 579)
This thesis was an attempt to examine forces that have finally culmi-
nated in the integration of Palestinian-Arab labor into productive, manual
and non-supervisory employment by Israeli-Jewish capital -- the formation
of a Palestinian proletariat in Israel.
These forces were examined against ones that in the past have impeded
the proletarianization of Palestinian labor.
Examining the above was motivated by the purpose of assessing material
conditions impeding and promoting the possibility of cross-national prole-
tarian alliances between Israeli-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs.
Using the most conservative criteria for defining the boundaries of
the working class, it was found that by 1974 more than 75 percent of all
officially registered Palestinian wage-earners employed by Israeli capital
were, in fact, proletariat. They constituted 30.6 percent of the entire
wage-earners in Israel. All together, 44 percent of all Israeli-Jewish
and Palestinian-Arab wage-earmers in Israel were engaged in productive,
manual, non-supervisory labor categories and, therefore, jointly belonged
to the proletariat class and shared a common class interest.
For the first time in the history of the Israeli social formation
Jewish proletarianization and Palestinian-Arab proletarianization were no
longer mutually-exclusive processes.
This was a first material prerequisite for the potential development
of cross-national proletarian alliance. It therefore represents a turning
point in the Israeli-Palestinian history. Only when the imperative of
exclusive Jewish proletarianization in Palestine was undermined could Arab
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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