The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 580)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 580)
and Jewish labor develop a common class interest.
Historical evidence from this study suggests that undermining the impera-
tive of exclusive Jewish proletarianization and, consequently, the proletar-
ianization of Palestinians in Israel, were changes in the relations of pro-
duction and the state of development and requirements of the productive for-
ces at the disposal of Israel in the aftermath of the 1967 war,
To be more precise, the proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel
resulted from the interaction between the forces and relations of production
in this transitional phase: transition from the stage of competitive Jewish
capitalism to that of concentration through direct integration of the Israeli
social formation to the international division of labor, when the State of
Israel was urged to intervene directly in the essential internationalization
of capital.
The internationalization of capital involves the integration and subor-
dination of pre-capitalist economic formations that until then were preva-
lent in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The integration and subordination
of these pre-capitalist formations as a marketplace and as a source of cheap
labor power were indispensible for accumulation and reproduction of Israel's
local productive capital and the capitalization of its petty capital.
These two forms of capital were forced to expand the site of their re-
production if they were to survive the competition inflicted by the massive
inflow of foreign investment capital.
The 1967 War represents a turning point in the historical development
of Israel. It was an expression of transformation of the relations of pro-
duction and thus the beginning of a new historical phase.
The victory won by Israel in the Six-Day War resulted in mobilizing
foreign monopolies to invest in Israel's high technology arms industry. This
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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